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Family Quality Time

Empowering Yourself and the Next Generation of Leaders Today!

Are you experiencing an overwhelming and confusing mix of emotions as you prepare to welcome your little bundle of joy? Uncertain about how life will change following the arrival, anxious because you are worried you are not prepared enough? Fret not! This 1-page cheat sheet will open your mind and summarize all that you need to know, as you work through all that you can to prepare for the transformational and life-changing milestone as a family! You are highly encouraged to work through this together with your spouse! :) 

Read more and feel free to download the 1-page cheat sheet below! 

A 1-Page Cheat Sheet That Prepares You For Future Challenges

Kickstart your Parenthood Journey with Confidence 

As a first-time mum, I empathize with the challenges faced by fellow mummies, and I've been blessed to learn from those who have gone before me, the good and the bad, which helps me to smoothen my journey in parenting. You can do the same too! 

Empowered women empower women, and I strive to empower mothers like you as you prepare to welcome your little bundle of joy!


Go on and download a copy, and many more resources below!

Feel free to share them with your loved ones whom you think can benefit from these resources too! 

Empowering Next Generation of Leaders

What to Buy and prepare for my Newborn? Where do we start?
How Much Will They Cost? 

Feeling inadequate about how and what to prepare for the little new addition to the family? Look no further than to download these resources below, compliments from PTXponential Growth! 

These tested and proven resources were the very ones that sustained Priscilla throughout her pregnancy, labor and care-giving of her little one while managing her 2 businesses all at the same!

Download your complimentary copy today!

Everything you need for the little one!
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Equip Yourself with All You Need to Know About Your Baby's Feeding Needs

Being a new mum/mum to a newborn can feel very inadequate due to all the unknowns such as your baby's feeding needs and patterns. Download all the resources you need and see how Priscilla was able to juggle effectively between a newborn and 2 businesses at the same time!

Parenting Resources

Dealing with a lot of "What Ifs" and Feeling Clueless?

The journey of motherhood is full of unknowns and challenges, especially as a first-time mum. Whether you're new to this or need a refresher, these complimentary resources are going to be your guiding light for a long time to come!

Priscilla has been implementing these resources in her motherhood journey, providing caregiving for a newborn and managing 2 businesses at the same time. Find out how she does it by downloading your copy today, on us! 

Transition from Liquid to Solid Diet - What and How to do That?

Babies grow up faster than we expect. In no time, they would be transiting from liquid to solid diet. As babies' immune system is still developing, the variety of solid food exposure is restricted. Alongside considerations such as nutrition, allergies, and continuous liquid feeding as a supplement, the selection of solid food needs to be carefully curated.

Whether you or your helper/ caregiver is preparing your babies' meals, these complimentary resources would be a great help, just as they did for Priscilla.


Download your complimentary copy today!

Parenting Resources
Parenting Resources

My Baby is Perpetually Crying and Doesn't Stop No Matter What I Do!

Sounds familiar? Struggling with unnecessary sleepless nights trying to figure out what exactly your baby needs to soothe him/herself?

There's a reason behind every cry and it takes a lot of discernment and understanding of your baby's schedule to apply the right remedy.


Talk to us today and grab your complimentary cheat sheet on how to recognize your baby's cries. You would be a soothing master to your baby and return to work, feeling more productive than ever before!

Anticipate Your Babies' Routine at your Fingertips!

Every wondered how great it would be to know all your babies' needs and milestones at your fingertips? A single chart and schedule to help you grasp all you would need to expect at one glance, without having to refer to multiple resources?

Download this 1 pager resource guide that will encompass all that you need to know for your Newborn's first 18 months, which is the secret to how Priscilla could manage the care-giving of her little one, alongside the management of her 2 businesses all at the same time!

Grab your copy by clicking on the download button below!

Hi, Priscilla here. Founder of 2 businesses & mother of 1

Just like you, my life was full of uncertainties when I was about to welcome my newborn two years ago amidst covid, not to mention my ongoing two businesses which needed my full attention. I had no prior experience in child caregiving and almost succumbed to the popular belief that I needed to compromise/ "take a backseat" in my career to give my child all the attention she deserves.

By God's grace, I gathered myself and signed up for all available courses and poured over all the resources I could find, of which some were either not appropriate in our local context or just did not work very well.

I have invested more than 60 hours, going through a total of 9 parenting books, attending a wide range of parenting and motherhood courses, and done extensive research. Combining all the best practices alongside my inputs, it is in hopes that it may empower parents/soon-to-be parents like you, eagerly wanting to provide the best for your child and not lose sight of your career concurrently. 

While I cannot guarantee all resources will suit/work for you, I am convinced that the essence and concepts are essentially suitable for employed / entrepreneurs like yourself and will bring out the best in your child!

Don't take my word for it! Try out the resources above and go ahead to schedule a chat with me to find out more!

Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Mentor, Mum of 1
Priscilla Tay
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